Tuesday 29 September 2009

Still wearing the Harvest bracelet!

Which was the only bright spot in a really, really rubbish day today - everything that could go wrong did go wrong and nothing that I had planned to do got done. I did get to see the Isle of Dogs from the 34th floor of the Citi building as well as the trading floor (where there was a man with braces!) though.

Forgot to mention yesterday that I met Rose from Victoria Rose Crafts on Saturday with her gorgeous daughter Rianna - Rose is making some pretty bags for me, and we met up to swap materials. Daisy and Rianna had a lovely time with wooden spoons. Drop in on her blog and check out her makes, they're amazing.

Tourmaline and carnelian chips arrived today in the post so I think I'll make some bangles up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello :-)

Sorry to hear you are having a rubbish day :-( My week has felt a bit bad so far, but seem ot be shaking off the kid germs now, so things can only get better!

I ironed all your fabrics earlier and started cutting them out. I should get 25 8by10 bags out of the big blue piece and the orange bit combined, plus a few smaller ones from the endy bits that will be a bit smaller. So you will have LOTS of bags by the time I'm finished lol

Rose XXX