Sunday 16 January 2011

Happy 2011!

Well, my last post asked where 2010 had gone, and now I seem to have lost another 6 weeks or so...December was quite busy with Christmas markets and that whole festive thing, and now I seem to be spending all my time up to my ears in tiny sleepsuits and vests, waiting for the new arrival. The latest addition is due in 3 weeks' time and I think we're almost ready now! I had a moment of panic just after Christmas when I realised I had nothing ready at all, not even a buggy or car seat as we'd got rid of everything after Tove grew out of them. I'm now at the REALLY uncomfortable stage and every time the baby wriggles it feels as if I'm going to pop, but if it could hang on till I finish work this week I'd be quite pleased.
In crafty matters I've been having a bit of a clear-out - part of the nesting process, maybe! I've sorted out a job lot of beads and findings that will never get used, and also a stack of cross stitch kits that are currently listed here on my Facebook page and I'll be putting them up on Ebay next week.
I've also been making new jewellery from sea glass, which I've been collecting for years and have recently taken to scouring Ebay for as well. I love the way it takes on a pretty sheen when you've been wearing it, and that every piece is different so no two pieces of jewellery are ever the same. There are new pendants and keyrings listed here and I have also made pendants and keyrings to be taken to South Africa as unique host gifts for the SHOUT (Sheppey Outreach) project. The organising teacher, Michael Thomas, is the brother-in-law of one of my colleagues and he collected some unusual pieces for me to use. You can read more about the project here.

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