Sunday 12 July 2009

All kinds of everything!

Now that I'm back in work I have the joy of the hour-long commute on the Central Line three days a week and the only way to do this and stay sane is to have something to do (stuck in a tunnel? Excellent, I can finish this colour/row/square). I've even occasionally missed my stop and had to double this week I've been knitting i-pod/i-phone socks for various friends and hopefully (eventually) for sale. I'm trying to work out a way to add beads...

The jewellery sales are also coming along well so my evenings have been taken up with that, but I really REALLY need to get on with my Ruby Wedding sampler since it needs to be finished and framed by September. I think I'll take it on holiday with me and leave the beads at home.

Yesterday I spent an amazing half-day at Spoilt Rotten Beads in Haddenham, Cambs (link halfway down the right of this page) on one of their beaded jewellery courses. Kelly, the tutor, was patient and helpful and even made wire-wrapped loops easy. The course was held in their gorgeous shop which sells exquisite handmade jewellery as well as beads and findings, so there was plenty of opportunity to shop...and oh, how I shopped. I had to stop on the way home and buy a new storage box...beautiful ladybirds, acid-etched beads, Indian glass beads, semi-precious stones and shells, unusual spacers and findings...I can't recommend them enough.

I suppose I need to think about Christmas cards too...there are just not enough hours in the day...oh to win the Lottery so I can give up work and spend all day at the craft box!

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