Tuesday 5 January 2010

Il est tres froid...

Greetings here from sunny Brittany! And it is sunny, but very cold - Mme. Colombelle in the Maison de la Presse in Baud tells us we're going to have some snow on Thursday which will be exciting for Daisy. Yesterday we made the most of the freezing sunshine and headed for the beach at Port Louis, where Daisy tried to convince us to let her paddle! No chance....we're living on delicious spicy turkey soup and fresh bread from the wonderful boulangerie,

I am managing some stitching in the evenings when the girls have been persuaded into bed, which is lovely. I'm working on the Fumitory Fairy from DMC and in my usual backwards fashion I'm getting the half-stitched background out of the way so I can do the interesting bits afterwards.I really must decide what to do with these poor fairies at some point, I have 18 of them under the bed and it seems such a shame. Suggestions most welcome....

Due to a severe damp problem in the back bedroom at home my poor Rose Flower Fairy has had to be stripped from its frame and will have to be professionally cleaned, I think, so I have lots of fairy decisions to make. This was one of the first things I ever did and I know there are lots of mistakes in it, so maybe this is a sign that I should stitch it again....

1 comment:

Fiona said...

glad ur having a lovely time in brittany! Why not make a quilt using all your flower fairy stitches? I'm sure it would look lovely.